Can you guess what is the most important part of the body used in weight reduction? It is that area located between the ears. The mind is so powerful that it will be the difference between success and failure.
“If you think you can or you think you can’t, either way you are right”. This saying is true for many things including weight loss.
Visualization is very important. Really see yourself as thin. Visualize yourself getting smaller and smaller. Make that dream board. Go find pictures of yourself when you were at your ideal weight and use those pictures as motivation.
It is also important to embrace your program and really love it. Find all of the things that you are grateful for and express that gratitude. For example, by being grateful for delicious, cold, refreshing water and not thinking about how much you may want a sugary soda, you will begin to drink more water. Savor the healthy and nutitious food you eat and stay positive. Why complain that you can not eat chocolate cake? Be grateful that you can now wear those jeans that were too tight.
Habit is a funny thing. If you eat potato chips every day, you will want to keep eating them. If you eat healthy foods every day, soon that is what your body will want and unhealthy foods simply will not appeal to you.
Find mentors. Mentors can be others who have successfully transformed themselves. Stick with the winners and you will be a winner, too.
My friend, Myla J. Blum, “M.J.”, a hypnotist and NLP Practioner at The Regency House Health & Resort Spa was one person who helped me understand the power of our unconscious mind. Another mentor has been JoAnn Junk at 7Company Weight Loss Center. JoAnn has a lot of great sayings. One of my favorites is that “nothing tastes as good as thin feels”. Keep saying that over and over in your mind when you are tempted to eat something that is not good for you.
Are you serious about changing your life? Are you willing to do what it takes? First of all, believe that it is possible, because it IS possible. Find your mentor, surround yourself with positive people and keep focused on what you want to accomplish. Make sure that you have the winning attitude because you are a winner.