Complete Anti-Inflammatory System for Middle-Aged Women

My complete anti-inflammatory system is a unique program for menopausal women that combines food sensitivity testing with expert coaching from a certified nutritionist, as well as a detailed meal plan that is specifically tailored to your body’s needs, based on the test results you receive.

7Company Beat Menopause Bundle

Consultation, 2 check-ins, and review phone call with an experienced nutritionist ($300 Value)
KMBO At-home fingerstick food inflammation test, with detailed data on your sensitivity to 22 foods ($200)
2-week, custom, detailed daily meal plan for anti-inflammtory menopausal nutrition ($99 Value)
Facebook group for accountibility, recipes, tips & tricks, and more
LIMITED-TIME BONUS: FREE 7Company Healthy Holiday Recipe Book (over 50 anti-inflammatory breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizer, sides and dessert recipes)

A $599 Value

Discounted Price: $299

What Our Clients Say

Don't take our word for it!

With over a 1000 satisfied clients were are certain we can help you achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals.

How It Works

The 7 Step Anti-Inflammatory Process

1. Start with a Free Consultation

Begin with a free consultation with a certified nutritionist to discuss your specific goals, challenges, and health needs.

2. Take the Food Inflammation Test

Discover the specific foods that trigger inflammation in your body with the most sensitive food inflammation test on the market.

3. Personalized 1-on-1 Coaching Call

Meet with your certified nutritionist to develop a custom anti-inflammatory menopause nutrition meal plan.

4. Follow Your Custom Anti-Inflammatory Menopause Meal Plan

A custom nutrition plan for menopausal women to maintain a healthy weight, protect bones and reduce hot flashes.

5. Join Our Facebook Community

Join our Facebook group for accountability, support, tips, and guidance.

6. 1-on-1 Check in Call With Your Coach

1-on-1 phone call with your coach to make sure you are on track and lowering your inflammation with your custom meal plan.

7. Review Your Results And Plan With Your Coach

Your certified nutritionist will review your results with you to help you fully understand what they mean, and how to use your results to reduce inflammation and improve your health.

Developed to Bring you Complete Healing

Benefits of the Food Inflammation Program:


  • Reduce Stress
  • Feel Less Irritable
  • Improve Focus


  • Improved Digestion
  • Reduced Bloating
  • Reduce gastrointestinal issues

Whole Body

  • Feel More Energized
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Whole Body Healing


  • Lose Weight
  • Improve Sex Life
  • Start Living your Life Fully

Get Started Today

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Food Inflammation Testing Women
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Or Start With A Free Consultation

Choose a date and time for your no-obligation virtual consultation.

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About The FIT Food Inflammation Test

More information on the at-home food inflammation blood test

The 7Company Food Inflammation Test and Meal Plan Program uses the KMBO FIT Food Inflammation Test. The FIT test is the most sensitive test on the market showing not only food sensitivities but also inflammation and gut permeability all from one test. The FIT test tests up to 176 different foods, coloring, and additives depending on which option you choose.

What are the 3 FIT test options?

FIT 22

  • Tests 22 of the More Prevalent Food

FIT 132

  • Tests 132 Foods, Additives, and Colorings

FIT 176

  • Tests 176 Foods, Additives, and Colorings

What foods are tested?

What do people say about the FIT Test?


“I believe this test should be part of all general health screens like a thyroid panel or cholesterol screening.”

“Anyone with chronic or unexplained symptoms or illness would benefit from this test.”

“I have suffered with IBS for years and after I eliminated the foods identified by the test the symptoms disappeared.”

What will my results look like?

Below is a sample FIT test report:

What is included in the FIT at-home testing kit?

The FIT testing kit includes:

  • Fingerstick Collection Instructions
  • Bloodspot Card
  • Sterile Single-Use Lancets
  • Alcohol Prep Pad
  • Biohazard Bag
  • Patient Requisition Form
  • Pre-Stamped USPS Mailing Envelope
    OR a UPS Bag and Pre-Paid Label

How do I take the test?

Start with our Free Consultation to order your test.

If you have already ordered the test, or are wondering how the tests works: here is a great YouTube tutorial video on how to take the FIT at-home fingerstick blood test.

What if the report shows that I have an inflammation response to certain foods?

  • You will receive a report that indicates which foods you are reactive to and whether you are having a high level of reaction, moderate or low, or none at all.
  • Jennifer Seven will review the report with you and help you develop a temporary elimination plan.

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